Case Studies

by | Oct 20, 2022

All research was conducted using the WCJ IV academic and cognitive batteries. All participants were with Hope Education for two or more years and received two sessions of therapy a week. Each therapy session was between 60-75 minutes in length.

The first set of scores are the academic scores, and the second set are the cognitive scores. Academic testing is administered yearly and cognitive by-yearly. The legend at the top of the graphs includes the student’s age at the time of the testing and the therapy year that they had completed.  

Case Study 1: Student enrolled because of reading difficulties and received NILD Therapy and vision activities. 

Case Study 2: Student enrolled becasue of math delay and continued on for educational enrichment.

Received: Two Years of Math Remediation Followed by One Year of Tutoring

Case Study 3: Student enrolled because of reading difficulites and received NILD Therapy with ILS-Focus intervention. 

Case Study 4: Student was enrolled because of reading difficulties and came with academic testing other then WCJ IV. Student received NILD therapy with some vision exercises and math stimulation.